fixed adj. 1.固定的;确定的,不变的,固执的。 2.【化学】凝固的,不易挥发的。 3.〔美口〕(在经济上)处境…的。 4.〔美俚〕(比赛等)通过作弊预先安排好结果的。 a fixed deposit 定期存款。 a fixed fact 〔美国〕确定事实。 a fixed gun 【军事】固定机枪。 a fixed income 固定收入。 a fixed point 警察常驻的地方。 fixed par of exchange 汇兑的法定平价。 a fixed oil 不挥发性油,固定油。 well fixed 〔美国〕生活宽裕。
Fixed stars winking and blinking in the heavens were suns . 在天空中闪烁的固定的星,是恒星。
It is an established convention to speak of the fixed stars as a standard unaccelerated reference frame . 把固定的恒星说成是标准的非加速参照系,这是一种已经确立的习惯。
The sun , which gives us light and heat , is a fixed star 太阳是一颗恒星,它给我们光和热。
Based on its movement it could have been a shooting star rather than a fixed star 基于它的运动,它应该是一颗流星,而不是恒星。
Book of fixed stars 恒星之书
As a result , germany was no longer perceived as a fixed star in the european firmament , let alone stolidly in mid - atlantic 结果,德国不再被视为欧洲苍穹里的恒星了,更不用说在中大西洋地区徘徊不前。
As a result , germany was no longer perceived as a fixed star in the european firmament , let alone stolidly in mid - atlantic 结果就是,德国不再被看作是欧洲苍穹的一颗恒星,更不再麻木的呆在大西洋中间。
We arbitrarily choose one fixed star as the reference and define its magnitude as zero . then , the magnitude one stars are about 2 . 51 times dimmer for 2 . 51 我们随意找了一颗恒星,把它的亮度定义为0等,那么,因为2 . 51
My friend would then turn to me , quiet and pale , and would say , " no , sir ; that is impossible : i cannot do it , because it is wrong " ; and would become immutable as a fixed star 我的朋友会神态恬静面容苍白地转向我说:不,先生,那不可能,我不能干,因为那不对。你会象一颗定了位的星星那样不可改变。
If the ascendant be one of those signs called “ mute ” , and mercury in one that is not humane , with any fixed star of the nature of saturn , the native will never speak well , but bring forth his words with difficulty 当上升点位于哑星座,水星落入非人形星座且位于土星属性的恒星附近时,盘主谈吐不畅,且伴有语言障碍。
The fixed stars (from the Latin stellae fixae) are celestial objects that do not seem to move in relation to the other stars of the night sky. Hence, a fixed star is any star except for the Sun.